Ransomware attacks target Non-cloud business and enterprise
Clicking the wrong link could compromise your entire business’ IT system. Even plugging in the wrong USB can infect the whole system. But cloud providers are staying safe from ransomware attacks – how?
Over the last few months in 2017, we’ve learnt from InfoWorld that any business can be affected by cyber-attacks. The latest of which was last month with ransomware attack Petya. Petya was similar to the WannaCry ransoms in May, which even affected red light and speeding cameras in Victoria. These infections occurred simply from plugging in an unknowingly infected USB stick into the systems by a worker. It’s too easy to allow these attacks through when your systems are not protected and updated.
The cost of not updating
These attacks mean that a business’s data and systems are held for ransom until a fee is paid to the hackers. Ransom costs of up to $10 million in over 150 countries were clocked up through WannaCry.
But even worse than that – the business interruption costs will end up surpassing a whopping $8 billion, data science company Cyence predicts.
Older versions of Windows are especially susceptible for users, but the attacks can occur as easily as clicking one link. But, if the correct patches and updates aren’t installed even in newer versions, the attackers can still breach the systems.
How does Cloud play a role?
These are lessons in why keeping your IT security up to date is imperative to the safety of your business. Using cloud systems can make these attacks unlikely as they are harder for the hackers to breach. They offer many layers of security and easy access for providers to monitor and block attacks. Things such as patches and fixes can be programmed ahead of time to ensure systems are up to date automatically.
Many enterprises may consider the cost of switching to the cloud too much. However, in the long run, it can end up saving them. Not only does it mean automated updates remotely, but the costs to recover the data would be exorbitant if malware hit. Plus, if sensitive data that all businesses store is released, it can cost the business in more ways than just financally. Another ten reasons why you could consider the cloud we have listed here.
No quick – fixes
A simple fix or something that can solved ‘overnight’ is not generally case for a victim of ransomware.
Prevention is key – over the last few years no major cloud provider has fallen victim to these malware attacks.
Cloud providers stay safe from ransomware attacks and that certainly paints a picture about cloud systems for enterprise.
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Linthicum, D. (2017). The latest cyber-attacks show why the cloud is safer. InfoWorld. Retrieved from http://www.infoworld.com/article/3204588/cloud-computing/the-latest-cyber-attacks-show-why-the-cloud-is-safer.html
Long, T. (2017). 55 Victorian Speed Cameras corrupted by WannaCry virus. EFTM. Retrieved 17 July 2017, from http://eftm.com.au/2017/06/55-victorian-speed-cameras-corrupted-by-wannacry-virus-40760
Korolov, M. (2017). WannaCry fallout — the worst is yet to come, experts say. CSO. Retrieved 17 July 2017, from http://www.csoonline.com/article/3196400/data-breach/wannacry-fallout-the-worst-is-yet-to-come-experts-say.html